Cloud Computing Basics -

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21 June 2022

Cloud Computing Basics

Introduction to Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is the use of hardware and software to deliver a service over a network (typically the Internet). With cloud computing, users can access files and use applications from any device that can access the Internet.

Cloud computing consists of hardware and software resources made available on the internet as managed external services. These services rely on advanced software applications and high-end networks of server computers.

Cloud computing is an internet-based computing where central remote servers maintain all the data and applications.

In simple words, we can say that cloud computing is about storing the files and resources on a server hosted by third parties (instead of local servers or computers) and then accessing it from anywhere in the world with the help of the internet.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Provider hosts the software on their infrastructure and provide it as a service to customers. Provider manages either both infrastructure and software or provides only software and use some other IaaS service provider for hardware.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS providers provide a platform to host customer applications. These are essentially software services provided as a platform.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Hardware hosted by a cloud service provider given for customer use using their portal. Provider hosts and manages the hardware.

The reason behind why Cloud computing is trending is very generic;-.
a) We get an on-demand environment for developing, testing, delivering, and managing software applications.
b) We can rent IT infrastructure – servers and virtual machines (VMs), storage, networking, operating systems from cloud providers.
c) We are able to get software applications over the Internet, on-demand, and on a subscription basis.
d) Besides these services cloud computing proves to be cost-effective for the organizations.

Purpose of Using Cloud Computing Services:

1) High Speed:

2) Data Security:

3) Efficiency & Cost Reduction:

4) Storage Capacity:

5) Constant availability

6) Cost-saving

7) Performance quality

8) Security

9) Software testing and development

10) Data backups and archiving 

There are some famous cloud providers:

Microsoft Azure.


Google cloud.

AWS (Amazon web services).


Oracle cloud.

Types of cloud computing

Private cloud - restricted to within an organization. According to its name, the private cloud service is intended for single-use.

Public cloud - open for public use. Public Cloud is the most common type of cloud computing model, gives the public access to the resources through the web.

Hybrid cloud - combination of public and private. The Hybrid Cloud is a combination of private and public cloud solutions with an integrated infrastructure where the privatization of sensitive apps happens, but common services’ hosting happens in the public cloud.

Multi-Cloud Model - Multi-cloud is another type of cloud computing that is similar to the hybrid cloud. It refers to more than a single public cloud provider along with a private cloud.

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